
Is there a way to destroy Viruses that are everywhere?

We live in a complex society.
We are constantly assailed by bugs, bacteria, and viruses.

Some people have found a safe way to kill these bugs, bacteria, and viruses.

Colloidal silver has a long history of deactivating and destroying a wide range of lethal microorganisms.

Our Silver Knight Colloidal Silver Spray is composed of 23 parts per million of naturally occurring silver ions or silver salts. It is safe, long-lasting and has proven effective against a broad range of microorganisms, including viruses, bacteria, algae, and fungi such as mold, toenail fungus and yeast.

Our Silver Knight Colloidal Silver Spray functions as an effective hand and body sanitizer.

It is all-natural and can be used to disinfect hard surfaces like door handles counters and clothes. It works like Lysol spray without harsh chemicals.

Spray liberally onto hands and suspect surfaces.
For bronchial issues, colds, flus, and pneumonia, use with an inhaler or nebulizer.
For sinus infections, fill a netty pot or large syringe and irrigate sinuses several times a day.

                       Front and back of bottle


Get ONE 250 ml, 8 oz bottle of Silver Knight Colloidal Silver Spray for $35 CAD incl TAX and FREE shipping.

Click here to buy 1 bottle with Square!

1 bottle Silver Knight Colloidal Silver Spray $35.00

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Get 2 bottles for $65 CAD incl TAX and FREE shipping.

Click here to buy 2 bottles with Square!

2 bottles Silver Knight Colloidal Silver Spray $65.00

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Get 6 bottles for $195 CAD incl TAX and FREE shipping.

Click here to buy 6 bottles with Square!

6 bottles Silver Knight Colloidal Silver Spray $195.00

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     Get your Bottles using PayPal

Thanks for checking us out.
We are part of a larger group that doesn’t cower in fear.
We understand numbers and risk management.
We also know how to mitigate risk using our Silver Knight Colloidal Silver Spray.
The colloidal silver kills bacteria and many other germs.
For those who wear masks, we will not shame you.
If masks give you comfort, so be it.
Our Silver Knight Mask Spray can be used to kill all the germs on the inside and the outside of the mask.

Spray the mask at night. By the morning it will be dry and ready to use again. Just think, you don’t need to throw out your mask and gloves if you use Silver Knight Mask Spray.

Get your mask spray for 
$10 plus $2 shipping

Oh Yes!!!  Colloidal silver is safe to inhale!

Any questions? Give us a call 1 866-533-4896


From Dr. Josh Ax

This has not been approved by the FDA or CDC

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